Access evidence base

Summary of evidence

The summary of evidence provides an overview of the topic area. It provides definitions and common understanding around the topic, the importance of addressing the topic at work, and then a summary of the literature (both practitioner and academic) aimed at addressing the topic at work. For details on developing and improving mindfulness specifically, please see the separate mindfulness hub topic.

Access tools and guidance

Tools for organisations and practitioners

In this section we include some organisational tools and several scales which aim to assess and measure compassion and self-compassion in individuals. 

For tools focusing on developing and improving mindfulness, please see the separate mindfulness hub topic.

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We aim to update all the evidence and tools in the Hub on a regular basis in order to ensure that the Hub remains the essential resource for evidence-based practitioners. If you would like to be informed via email when new information is added to the Hub, please complete the form below. Please note, we will not pass your information on to any third parties and will only use this information to contact you about the Hub.

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Healthy leadership
Common Mental Health Problems
Office Design for Health and Wellbeing
Mental Health Discrimination
Mindfulness in the workplace
Chronic illness
Return to work following mental health sickness absence
Technology and wellbeing
Measuring psychological wellbeing
Musculo-skeletal disorders
Compassion in the workplace
Mental Health Awareness
Men's Mental Health
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Affinity Health at Work